Know the mystery of lactose intolerance using DNA test
Milk is an integral part of one’s diet worldwide and an important source of calcium. Milk contains a carbohydrate, a sugar namely Lactose which is a disaccharide of glucose. Lactose is taken externally by the body in the form of milk and milk products. It is metabolized in the body by an enzyme known as Lactase, produced in the intestines. The problem arises when the body is not capable of producing a sufficient amount of lactase further leading to the indigestion of lactose present in milk and dairy products. This phenomenon is known as Lactose intolerance where the body is not able to digest lactose due to a lack of lactase enzyme. In India, yearly, there are more than 10 million cases of lactose intolerance patients being reported and this has led to the need and adaptation of a healthy diet among the population.
The severity of lactose intolerance depends on how the person detects it and takes precautions concerning it. Lactose intolerance is a deficiency disorder and not a chronic disease, but once developed then lactose tolerance is incurable. People suffering from lactose intolerance when they consume milk or dairy products start developing symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, and intestinal cramps after 30 -180 minutes of food consumption. The severity of symptoms depends on the amount of lactase produced in the body. But it is very much important to take the right step after diagnosis of lactose intolerance or if left unattended can lead to severe issues such as acute diarrhea, bloating, GI disorder, and constipation. These symptoms are observed because the undigested lactose reaches the anus and gets fermented resulting in the above symptoms.
Lactose intolerance is usually diagnosed by observing the symptoms but a genetic test can confirm whether a person is having it or not. Lactase is produced by the lactase-phlorizin hydrolase gene present in the body. A test carried out for this gene can determine the possibilities of a person developing lactose intolerance but it is not always the case. Sometimes lactose intolerance may get developed due to a serious medical condition which one has experienced which in turn had affected the lactase-producing part of the intestine thus developing the intolerance. Thus the moment when one gets to know that he/she has developed lactose intolerance the next step to be taken is following a lactose intolerance diet.